Saturday, February 27, 2010

Reviews of the February 20th Time Bank Evening Out

From Laura: In February, we held our second “All Time Bank Evening Out” with several potluck dinners, each with a different theme for the night, occurring simultaneously at members’ homes throughout the area. Whether you practiced your moonwalk, dipped into fondue, or competed to be game champion, it was a great night out! (Pictured here are the “20s-30s Somethings” at Laura’s.)

From Rich: There were 6 of us, including Shari and her friend Liz, my friend Michele, Mimi and George (who left early to go dancing). I was challenged as a host, as I don't have much experience hosting, but we got by and had fun. There was plenty of food and laughter and the movie This is It was great!

From Joel: What a wonderful night! International cuisine, chamber music, two games of Scrabble going, good conversation . . . We had eleven in all -- new members (one joining) and some longer time members. It was a very good potluck! Shilpa and her friend Gracie shared Indian samosas for appetizers. Ellie brought fruit, to go with the three other desserts . LuAnn brought pulled pork, and Penny a chopped salad, and we put out some shrimp to go with the wines. After supper, people cleared the decks for Scrabble while LuAnn and I played a Ginastera flute duet (I on oboe). Not everyone had played Scrabble before, but we got our "house rules" together and completed two games at once. (The hosts won.) People came and went, but some stayed for more flute and oboe and talked into the night. Let's do it again!

From Denise: The Night Out is uplifting in the “Dull Drums” of February. It's a chance to connect with other time bank members and their friends and enjoy good food, drinks and games, in a warm home environment. I offered to host a fondue, which was attended by 15 people. My driveway is a bit cramped, and with the snow it was even more of a tight squeeze, but once inside we enjoyed the space, the food and the conversation. I was glad for the help the attendees gave me and for the variety and quantity of food they brought to go with the 19 different dipping sauces provided.

The evening was a success and lots of fun. If you came this year: Thanks and come again next year. To those who missed on this year’s event—plan on coming next year.
And to all—look for the many opportunities throughout the year to participate.

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