Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Social Connections

There are many opportunities, not only to earn and spend TimeDollars, but also to connect with one another, meet new people and visit with old acquaintances, have a meal or snack together, attend a fundraiser (and dance the night away) and more. Here is a recent submission from Joel who attended the first monthly social gathering of the year:

"Several of us blew in (literally) to Artisans' Cafe and Gallery on Sunday, Jan 4th, around 4 pm for our first Time Bank Social of the year. Beth unveiled her fancy, new Scrabble set, and a low-key game ensued while we socialized. Paul barely beat Beth, Jean (his wife), and me. The longest word formed on the board was "shavings," but there were “poodles” and other creatures finding their space on the board. Beth proposes a regular game night once a month for PATB, either at Artisans or at Earth Mart.

Meanwhile, Paul, Myra, and Margo had a lively discussion on all the popular geopolitical and “true story” movies, including the history of Seabiscuit, at the next table!

The party broke up around 5:30, and we again went out into the windy evening.

Welcome to the two Pauls who are both joining the Time Bank this week.

We encourage you all to join us for the next first Sunday Social—on February 7th at Artisans—to meet fellow Time Bankers, have a snack, socialize. Maybe we'll play Apples to Apples next time!

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